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# configuration for superRSS
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ulf treger <> |
# ---------------------------------------------------
# general
$site_name					= "q-tipp";
$site_info					= "subjektiv queer";
$site_url				        = "";
$site_url					= "";
$max_items					= 50;
$event_module					= 1;  # use module event (ev:startdate; ev:location)
$encoding					= "utf-8"; # "ISO-8859-1";
# webspace specific
$container_format				= ".php"; 	# ".html" for including with SSI
									# ".php" for including with php
$picture_upload					= 1;		# 1 = allows picture upload
# ---------------------------------------------------
# paths and urls
$data_path				        = "d:/var/www/var";
$data_path					= "/home/pacs/mih15/doms/";
$channel_path 				        = "d:/var/www/htdocs";	# path to newsfeed file(s)
$channel_path 					= "/home/pacs/mih15/doms/";	# path to newsfeed file(s)
$channel_url					= "";  # url to dir with newsfeed file(s)
$admin_url					= "/admin/index.html";
$cgi_url					= "/cgi-bin/";
$cgi_admin_url					= "/cgi-bin/";
$open_publish_name				= "vermischtes";
# $open_publish_url				= "/gruppen/".$open_publish_name."/public/index".$container_format;
$open_publish_url				= "/public/index".$container_format;
$open_post_url 					= "/redaktion/publish";
# ---------------------------------------------------
# logfiles
$log_file	 				= $data_path."/activity.log";
$delete_logfile 				= $data_path."/delete.log";
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
# channels overview
$channel_name{meta}				= $channel_path."/meta.xml"; # basicinfos about supperRSS-site
															# and list of all group newsfeeds
$channel_name{termine}			= $channel_path."/termine.xml";				# alle events
$channel_name{texte}			= $channel_path."/texte.xml";				# all articles
$channel_name{open_termine}		= $channel_path."/gruppen/".$open_publish_name."/".$open_publish_name.".xml";	# open posting events
$channel_name{open_texte}		= $channel_path."/gruppen/".$open_publish_name."/".$open_publish_name."-texte.xml";	# open posting articles
# ---------------------------------------------------
# features
$feature_file					= $data_path."/features.txt";

# ---------------------------------------------------
# mailto
$rss2mail					= 1;  # use rss2mail function
$rss2mail_dir 					= $data_path."/rss2mail";
# ---------------------------------------------------
# extras
$mailinglist_name 				= "neuigkeiten";
$mailinglist_adress				= "neuigkeiten\";
# ---------------------------------------------------
$msg_empty_feed_events			= "sorry, zur zeit keine aktuellen termine.";
$msg_empty_feed_text			= "sorry, zur zeit keine texte.";
# ---------------------------------------------------
# templates
%template = (	index 	=> $data_path."/index_template.html",
				text 	=> $data_path."/text_template.html",

# ---------------------------------------------------
# output style 
$channel_output			 		= "p";			# p = as a parahraph, ul = als an unsorted list
												# table = as a table
$channel_titel					= 0;			# 1 = show channel title
$channel_description			        = 0;			# 1 = show channel description
$channel_publisher				= 0;			# 1 = show channel publisher	
$channel_copyright				= 0;			# 1 = show channel copyright
$channel_image					= 0;			# 1 = show channel image 
$channel_textinput				= 0;			# 1 = show channel textinput-form
$item_description				= 1;			# 1 = show item description
$item_creator_date				= 0;			# 1 = show item creator and date
$item_event					= 1;			# 1 = show item startdate and location
$print_date_format				= 1;			# 0 = show iso-date (yyyy-mm-dd), 1= german date (
# footer												
$channel_footer					= 1;			# 1 = show channel footer with name, rss-link, date
												# this effects the following options:
$channel_footer_title			        = 0;			# 1 = show channel name at footer
$channel_addbutton 				= 1;  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
$channel_addbutton_style		        = 0;			# style of the add-button
												# 0=form is generated dynamic
												# 1=link to a html-page, where the add-function 
												# is embedded via ssi.
											 	# you have to define an url for each channel!
$channel_addbutton_text 		= "termin/info hinzufügen";			
												# define link-text
$channel_addbutton_longdescr	= "neuen termin oder info veröfffentlichen";			
												# define additional description for link
$channel_rsslink				= 0;			# 1 = show link to rss-file
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
# define describtive data of the channel
%channel = (		
		meta => {
					title 		=> $site_name, 
					link 		=> $site_url, 
					description => "termine infos meinungen // kritisch emanzipativ selbstorganisiert // lesbisch schwul queer // hamburg und umzu", 
					dc_type	 	=> "meta",	
					dc_creator 	=> "info\",
					dc_publisher 	=> $site_name,
					dc_copyright	=> "copyleft",
					dc_language 	=> "de",
					updatePeriod	=> "daily",
					updateFrequency	=> "1",		
					updateBase		=> "2004-01-01",
					imagetitle 		=> "q-tipp", 
					imageurl 		=> $site_url."/pics/waswannwo.gif", 
					imagelink 		=> $site_url, 
					imagecreator 	=> $site_name,
					textinputtitle  => "",
		   			textinputdescription => "",					
					textinputlink	=> "",
					textinputname	=> "",					
					addbutton 		=> 0,  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
					addbutton_url	=> $admin_url,					
		termine => {
					title 		=> "$site_name", 
					link 		=> $site_url,
					description => "termine und infos", 
					dc_type	 	=> "events",	
					dc_creator 	=> "info\",
					dc_publisher 	=> $site_name,
					dc_copyright	=> "copyleft",
					dc_language 	=> "de",
					updatePeriod	=> "daily",
					updateFrequency	=> "1",		
					updateBase		=> "2004-01-01",
					imagetitle 		=> "q-tipp-logo", 
					imageurl 		=> $site_url."/pics/start.jpg", 
					imagelink 		=> $site_url, 
					imagecreator 	=> $site_name,
					textinputtitle  => "",
		   			textinputdescription => "",					
					textinputlink	=> "",
					textinputname	=> "",					
					addbutton 		=> 0,  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
					addbutton_url	=> "",					
		texte => {
					title 		=> "$site_name texte", 
					link 		=> $site_url,
					description => "texte und artikel", 
					dc_type	 	=> "text",	
					dc_creator 	=> "info\",
					dc_publisher 	=> $site_name,
					dc_copyright	=> "copyleft",
					dc_language 	=> "de",
					updatePeriod	=> "daily",
					updateFrequency	=> "1",		
					updateBase		=> "2004-01-01",
					imagetitle 		=> "q-tipp-logo", 
					imageurl 		=> $site_url."/pics/start.jpg", 
					imagelink 		=> $site_url, 
					imagecreator 	=> $site_name,
					textinputtitle  => "",
		   			textinputdescription => "",					
					textinputlink	=> "",
					textinputname	=> "",					
					addbutton 		=> 0,  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
					addbutton_url	=> "",					
		open_termine => {
					title 		=> "$open_publish_name", 
					link 		=> $site_url."/gruppen/".$open_publish_name."/",
					description => "offenes posting von terminen und infos", 
					dc_type	 	=> "events",	
					dc_creator 	=> "info\",
					dc_publisher 	=> $site_name,
					dc_copyright	=> "copyleft",
					dc_language 	=> "de",
					updatePeriod	=> "daily",
					updateFrequency	=> "1",		
					updateBase		=> "2004-01-01",
					imagetitle 		=> "q-tipp-logo", 
					imageurl 		=> $site_url."/pics/start.jpg", 
					imagelink 		=> $site_url, 
					imagecreator 	=> $site_name,
					textinputtitle  => "",
		   			textinputdescription => "",					
					textinputlink	=> "",
					textinputname	=> "",					
					addbutton 		=> 0,  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
					addbutton_url	=> "",					
		open_texte => {
					title 		=> "$open_publish_name texte", 
					link 		=> $site_url."/gruppen/".$open_publish_name."/",
					description => "offenes posting von texten", 
					dc_type	 	=> "text",	
					dc_creator 	=> "info\",
					dc_publisher 	=> $site_name,
					dc_copyright	=> "copyleft",
					dc_language 	=> "de",
					updatePeriod	=> "daily",
					updateFrequency	=> "1",		
					updateBase		=> "2004-01-01",
					imagetitle 		=> "q-tipp-logo", 
					imageurl 		=> $site_url."/pics/start.jpg", 
					imagelink 		=> $site_url, 
					imagecreator 	=> $site_name,
					textinputtitle  => "",
		   			textinputdescription => "",					
					textinputlink	=> "",
					textinputname	=> "",					
					addbutton 		=> 0,  			# 0=no add-button, 1= add-button
					addbutton_url	=> "",					
# ---------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------					
# define use of html tags
%channel_html= (	
					channel_title 	=> "b",
					title 			=> "b", 
					table_width		=> "250",	# pixel

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Last edited October 20, 2005 1:16 pm by Ulf T (diff)